Public Events

All Events
Various Locations
Forest Therapy Victoriacan hold private, corporate and community events in locations right around the State (depending on availability).
However we regularly use a selection of locations for public walks.

Themed Events
Various Locations
Forest Therapy Victoriacan runs themed events through out the year, aimed at different groups or incorporating different themes.
Themes include walks for survivors of domestic violence, mental health, grief and spirituality.

Dandenong Ranges National Park
Eagles Nest Picnic Ground: Hermon Track, Olinda
Grant’s Picnic Ground: 70 Monbulk Road, Kallista
These are the most deeply immersive of our regular offerings. Held deep in the heart of the Dandenong Ranges, soaring Eucylypts, wombats, and countless native birds are our companions.

Inner Melbourne Events
Urban Forest Reserve: 463 Waverley Road, Malvern East
For those wanting to experience the health benefits of a Forest Therapy experience without having to drive out to the mountains. New locations being added regularly.

Warrien Reserve
18-52 Warrien Road, Croydon North
This walk is held in the Urban forest surrounding the Narr-Maen Wetlands. Numerous native bird life, the occasional tortoise, and a choir of frogs accompany this event.

McAlpin Reserve
Wonga Road
Ringwood North
Our All Ability Walks are held at this location. Offering accessible paths, all ability toilets, and the best play ground East of the city!
All text and images copyright Forest Therapy Victoria 2024.
Forest Therapy Victoria is a division of MGA Counselling Services and works in partnership with Nature Play 4 Kids.
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